Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Search Engine Shenanigans a la ZU

I would like to take a moment to annouce that one of the most recent hits on our website was because of a search done by someone in England looking for "photograph of abba cat dresses."

We are living in truly international times, people. Thank you for all contributing to our forum so that we can be a part of this global conversation.

Other recent hits on our site have been because of these searches. And no, I didn't make any of these up, they're all from the Site Meter reports.
  • dandelion killers

  • old creepy

  • jeans poisonous chemicals

  • do kids mistake medicine for candy? (there were a lot of these)

  • subtle flasher (is that you, Mysterious Stranger, or a cousin?)

  • candy filled clogs (please don't be alarmed, John)

  • don't use the soap dispensers (is there something I should know about?)

  • go to hell kitty baxter (this one was from Taiwan!)

  • kevin roberts (stop thinking you're such a hottie, dude)

  • vandalism by employees

  • Wow. Keep up the good work, you weirdos. Beer and sausages for the Christmas luncheon on ME!!!